What are some common garden pests and plant diseases? Which are the good and bad bugs?
Why did I start writing about pests and diseases? I often have questions about my garden when something does not look right. And after extensive research, I would find out the issue is manageable and easy to control. But I also found contradicting information too, or overly extensive information to get through before getting to the good stuff. And needless to say, sorting through this was time taken away from me enjoying my garden. This list is for me as much as it may be for you in tackling common garden problems and bugs. Easy to get to the heart of the issue and finding a solution. Knowing what preventative measures can be taken is essential for a healthy garden. While most of what is here typically relates to garden pests and diseases found in the Pacific Northwest, these are shared in other regions with similar climate, soil and weather conditions.
When it comes to bugs, well, there are times when I freak out about a bunch of scary-looking bugs! Only to find often out that everything is okay. Those are the good guys, the beneficial insects that we should encourage to stay in our gardens. But it is good to know which ones are not. Which ones are likely to eat your foliage and be a nuisance.

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Peach leaf curl caused by Taphrina deformans (photo by Scot C. Nelson, plant pathologist)

Peach Leaf Curl

Peach leaf curl is a fungal disease that affects peach and nectarine trees. Learn how to control and prevent peach leaf curl affecting fruit trees.

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St John's Wort With Rust Fungal Disease (photo by Rosana Brien / My Garden Plot)

Rust Plant Disease

Rust plant disease is a common fungal disease. Learn how to identify, treat and control spread in the garden and how to kill fungi spores.

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